Friday 4 July 2014

Sparrows at work

It's been a busy few days! That's nice though. But, back to my normal schedule now... which means, time to fit in some more posts, hopefully.

At work, there's a dusty bank that the house sparrows really love using for dustbaths. They're super-common pretty much anywhere, as they're really good urban adapters.
House Sparrow (Passer domesticus)

Unfortunately, there's been a bit of a decrease in this species over the past few years, possibly due to increased use of pesticides in gardens, killing off insects, their major food source. They still top the RSPB's garden birdwatch list, but are certainly not as common as they used to be in some areas. Seeds and leftover crumbs are their favourite foods, and often I've seen them buzzing around a picnic table even before its human occupants have left to see what they can scrounge up!