Friday 27 June 2014

Right at the beginning (but not, because this is post #2)

Okay, so my first two posts are a little bit out of order. This one should actually come before dry-stone walling, but I wrote that one first because I had literally just come back from it, and everything was fresh in my mind, before I inevitably forget it three days later (and this whole idea completely).

Now though, I think it's probably time to start at the beginning. Literally, the very very beginning.
Hi hello!
This is my new blog. You've probably been directed here (foolishly) off another of my social networks, and are somewhat bemused or concerned by the fact that my first post was mostly just a fangirl squeal over uh, walls. Don't worry (or perhaps, do?), not every post is going to be quite so strange. At least, I hope it won't be anyway!

I'm a recent geography graduate- a scary thing to even contemplate- interested in ecology and the environment. Insects and birds are my specialities. My dissertation was on the Southern Wood ant Formica rufa, so I'm a bit hooked on them now, although I'm not a fan of when they bite still.
I'm not entirely sure what I want to do with my life just yet, but something where I can be outside, mess with animals, kids or both, add in a little bit of creative writing and have some fun while I'm at it would be very nice.

Over the summer I'm working at a small cafe, but in my free time I'm going to be out and about, volunteering up at my local nature reserve when I can, and wandering around, probably looking a bit lost and confused (but not actually either), in the time left over.
I also like writing, reading, art and cooking, although apparently I haven't gotten the hang of my oven yet, as I just burnt my chips. Hopefully you'll find my blog somewhat entertaining, and maybe even useful, to read.

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