Thursday 23 October 2014

Jurassic Coast

 There's this little tiny beach near me called ZigZag beach, which not many people at all know about. It's actually kinda nice that it's such an unknown spot, because when it's tourist season and all you want to do is relax by the sea in peace without a crush of a thousand grockles around you, there is actually somewhere you can go.

Once you've managed to find your way down the extremely steep (and slippery, if it's rained, or is even dry, because it's covered in leaves) path to the beach, there's a flat area just before you go down to the beach itself. The beach isn't actually the main point of this post; there's something much cooler to be seen. Up an even tinier, steeper and slipperier path from the flat BBQ grassy area (I say BBQ; it's more an area that you can light a fire on if the last bit of the path to the beach is too difficult) you can find a real dinosaur's footprint!

It's inverted in the rock, so instead of being flat-down on the ground, it's actually upsidedown, where the rock's slowly turned over since it was formed! You'd never ever know it was there unless you had been told about it before, which I think makes it cooler- a secret treasure of Swanage. The middle toe is really long, so it's quite distinctive. I don't know that much about dinosaurs though, so I wouldn't be able to tell you which species had made it. It's about the size of a hand, maybe a bit bigger, so certainly not something tiny...

The slide back down is not something to be sniffed at... 

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